What is Market Data in Doctivity?

Market data is where users can create customized geographies based on states, counties or zip codes and filter ranked organization and provider results based on select services and sub services. Additionally, based on the client definitions of affiliated providers and organizations, Doctivity shows the percentage of affiliated vs nonaffiliated providers and organizations for the selected market. 

There are five filters at the top of the screen: 

  1. Type: users can filter results based on organizations or providers 
  2. Service Line: dropdown selection of all service lines and sub service lines 
  3. Patients: users can toggle the analytics between projected patients, projected pediatric patients, and captured claims 
  4. Setting: users can filter by the offered care settings; lab, office, outpatient, inpatient, ambulatory surgery center
  5. Market: users can create custom geographies (explained below)

Viewing “Market Data” in navigation to search 

  • Select “Market Data” from left-hand navigation
  • Users will see the market data page with the five filters

Viewing an established custom market 

  • Click the Market dropdown
  • Users will see a list that includes any previously created and saved markets
  • Select the desired market and the claims results will filter based on the selected market

Affiliated versus Non-Affiliated Percentage in Market Data

  • The Market Data in Doctivity shows what percentage of the current filtered view is Affiliated versus Non-Affiliated.
  • This is calculated by the total number of claims or patients with the current filters from Affiliated Providers or Organizations, against the total set of Non-Affiliated Providers or Organizations.

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