What Are Contacts In Doctivity?

Contacts are people in Doctivity associated with Locations, Organizations and Providers who do not have NPI numbers. Contacts can be any person in Doctivity the client wants to track in their PRM Activity Notes, but examples would be office staff, practice managers, office schedulers, etc.

Contacts are unique to each Doctivity Client, but can be seen by anyone else in your company (Client). Physician liaisons are often not interacting with providers every visit, so it is important for users to be able to include non-clinical contacts in their activities.

Viewing “Contacts” in navigation to search 

  • Select “Contacts” on the left-hand navigation
  • Users will see a listing of contacts in alphabetical order by last name
  • The table also shows the contact’s organization and owner 

Viewing a contact 

  • After searching for a contact, clicking any of the column data will open the contact profile
  • Once a contact profile is open, users should the contact's name and fields for:
    • Title
    • Phone
    • Email
    • Mobile
    • Fax
    • Location
  • Users will also see any activity notes documented for that contact (users can also create activity from a contact profile)

Editing a contact 

  • When in a contact's profile, there is an "edit" button (pencil icon) to the right of page. Clicking edit allows users to add or change information

Creating a new contact 

  • When in a contact's profile, there is an "edit" button (pencil icon) to the right of page
  • Clicking edit allows users to add the contact and information
  • Within the main contacts screen, there is a function that says "+ ADD CONTACT" in the top right-hand corner
  • Selecting this will prompt users to add information to create and save the new contact
  • First and last names are required fields
  • Clicking "save" adds the contact to the main table and allows the user to know search for that contact

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