What Are Organizations In Doctivity?

Organizations are billing organizations where users can search for locations to view detail and locations information, market data, and associated providers.

There are three organization tabs: 

  1. All: billing organizations in the United States based on the claims data 
  2. Recent: listing of recently viewed organizations 
  3. Affiliated: definition of affiliated set by client to include organizations “affiliated” with the client

Viewing “Organizations” in navigation to search 

  • Select “Organizations” on the left-hand navigation
  • Users will see a listing of billing organizations, with searchable column headers for name, type, city, and state

Searching for an organization 

  • Use any of the column headers to search for the desired billing organization
  • Users can search more than one column at a time – for example, users can type in the name only, or use a combination of organization type and city
  • The table results will begin to filter as the user types in a column(s)
  • When selecting an organization, the user should be redirected from the organization search page to looking at the selected organizational profile

Once inside an organization profile, there is a hierarchy of data and information. 

Details & Locations 

Information: general information on the organization fed from the claims data that includes facility type, specialty, phone, and total patient volume. 

Locations: Because billing organizations are based on claims data, there are instances where large organizations with multiple locations all bill through one primary location. As such, within a Doctivity organization, there is listing of physical practice locations associated with that organization. Within the physician practice locations, users can view the providers and contacts at that location. (Locations described in more detail in the “location” section.)

Market Data

Every billing organization within Doctivity includes organizational claims data. Users can view patient volume by top level service lines or sub service lines. Doctivity's claims includes five care settings: lab, outpatient, inpatient, office, and ambulatory surgery center.

Compare function 

  • Within "Patients by Service Line," there is an icon that is two arrows going opposite directions that says "Compare"
  • Click on compare to view the current organization with another of your choosing
  • A box titled "Find an Organization" will appear 
  • To search for the second compare organization, users will enter the organization name, type, city, or state
  • Clicking the selected organization will automatically show the two compared organizations under "Patients by Service Line"
  • In the patients by service line view, users will now see two bars for each top-level service line or sub service line
  • The top bar for each service line is the original organization a user was viewing. The second bar is the compared organization selected from the "Find an organization" search
  • If a user is unsure, hovering over the bar will tell users the organization and includes the care setting and patient volume

Top level vs sub service lines

  • Under the "Patients by Service Line" header are two boxes: "Top Level Service Lines" and "Sub Service Lines"
  • Click between the two views to change the service lines and sub service lines
  • When clicking between the two options, users will see a new list of filtered results
  • The service lines and sub service lines are also filterable by the patient filter (project patients, projected pediatric patients, and captured claims)


  • Providers are ranked in the screen below “Patients by service line” 
  • These are providers with claims submitted at the billing organization, ranked by projected patient volume and/or capture claims

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