An Overview Of Providers in Doctivity

Providers is where users search for any provider in the United States to view claims analytics, referral patterns, detail information, and documented activity notes. 

There are three provider types: 

  1. All: providers in the United States with an NPI number 
  2. Affiliated: definition of affiliated set by client to include providers “affiliated” with organization 
  3. Referring: referring providers into the client organization, ranked by number of referrals with referral trend line (only applicable when ingesting client EMR data)

Viewing “Providers” in navigation to search 

  • Select “Providers” on the left-hand navigation
  • Users will see a listing of providers, with searchable column headers for last name, first name, NPI, specialty, city, state

Searching for a provider 

  • Use any of the column headers to search for the desired provider or to create a list of providers (such as by specialty) 
  • The table results will begin to filter as the user types in the column(s)
  • Users can search multiple headers to narrow results 

Selecting a provider to view 

  • Click any of the columns of the provider you wish to view 

When selecting a provider, the user is redirected from the provider search page to look at the selected provider’s profile 

Within a provider profile are several tabs of information. 


Data fed and populated from client’s internal data. 

Visits & Referrals 

Data fed and populated from client’s internal data.

Activity Notes

How to create and document activity notes described in the “Activity Note” section of the user guide.

  • Within a provider’s Activity Note tab, users will see a table of documented activity that shows: user, note, and the date and time of the activity. 

  • Users can see other users’ activity notes but only edit their own. 

  • Clicking a row in the table will open the entire activity note. 

Market Data 


  • Click the dropdowns for service line and setting to filter patient counts by the selected filters

  • The total patient count will change based on the selected dropdowns

  • The dropdown selections will only refilter the patients section, not the other results in the other areas

  • Users will see national and territory rankings for each service line selected 

  • The rankings will change with the selection of a new service line

  • Decile rank compares practitioner's total patient volume to the volume of all other practitioners; 10 being the highest, 1 being the lowest


  • View the payer mix pie chart to the right of the screen

  • Users will see a provider payer pie chart based on the name of the insurance payer

Patients by Service Line

  • Scroll to the middle section to look at Patients by Service Line.

  • Click between "Top Level Service Lines" and "Sub Service Lines" to filter results

  • Users will see counts of practitioner's total patients by diagnosis or procedure

  • The results are color coded by care setting

Providers with Shared Patients

  • Scroll to the providers with shared patients

  • Click the service line dropdown to select a diagnosis or procedure to view patient connections

  • Users will see a grid of providers with count of patients who have visited both connected entities based on selected service line

  • The grid will refilter each time a new service line is selected

  • Service line filter: filter shared patient connections by the service or sub service on the claim 

  • Specialty filter: filter results by provider specialty 

  • Affiliated providers are marked with an * at the end of their names

  • Clicking on the provider name will bring up a screen that shows all shared patients between the two providers across all px and dx 

  • Clicking the provider name will take you to that provider’s profile


  • Scroll to the bottom of the page to see organizations

  • Users will see provider's total number of shared patients with the specific facility

Details & Contacts

Users will see fields for: 

  • Provider name*

  • Specialty*

  • Phone*
  • Mobile
  • NPI*
  • Email
  • Location

*Populated from claims data

Provider mobile and email are not pre-populated but editable by users. Provider locations can also be changed by user. 

Users can edit “Details & Contact” by clicking the green “Edit” icon (with a pencil) in the right-hand corner. A new screen will pop up and users can edit any field and click save when finished. 

To edit a provider’s location, click “Change Location” under the location field. A "Select a Location" screen will appear. Users can search for the new organization. The location will change once the user selects the new organization.

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