What Is Link Provider And When Do I Want To Use It?

The Location a Provider is connected to is vitally important for Doctivity and how it reports Projected Patients and Claims data about that Provider. The Location is what is used by markets in Market Data for that Provider.

If a Provider's data is rolled up through a Billing Organization and their Location or Address is not where they physically practice, they will be reported through the reported Location. Doctivity believe it is important for a Provider to have their data reported at their physical location, while still being connected to the Billing Organization otherwise.

Using "+ Link Provider" allows Doctivity users to connect a provider to their correct physical location. Moving a Provider to a new Location brings all of their claims and projected patient data with them to the new location.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Changes made to Provider Locations are Global through all Doctivity Clients. We believe that correct data is of the utmost importance to all users and the system as a whole is better for the updates. It does mean you should be careful and sure in moving a provider.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Once a provider's Location is changed, that change will be respected for all future data updates of Claims and Patient data.


  • Start on the CORRECT Location > Provider page in Doctivity you want to move a Provider to.
    • Having the current but going to be changed location page open is fine for reference, but you want to take this action from where you want the Provider to end up.
  • Click "+ Link Provider" in the top right of the Provider's table.
  • Find the Provider you'd like to move.
    • There are multiple ways to find them, including "ALL". A helpful way to do it may be to make them a Favorite (even if temporarily) so you can easily find them from the list.
  • Select the Provider
  • Confirm The Details of the Move

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