v2.3.45 | February 21, 2024

Version 2.3.45 has been pushed to production with the following changes:

- Market Data Shared Affiliation tab enabled 

- Shared Affiliation performance improvements

- All Projected Patients data filtering for Shared Affiliation chart

- Pediatric data filtering for Shared Affiliation chart

- Added paging to Shared Affiliation

- Sorting added to Shared Affiliation

- Market data searched saved after 3 seconds

- Shared affiliate filters saving

- Load last saved market data when no search in url

- Save searches to client, when switching between clients

- Activity note tag lists sorted alphabetically

- All activity notes charts change with date change

- Add daily totals on rollover of activity notes reporting

- Dates display diagonally on activity notes reporting

- Top of activity notes show total notes

- Add type filter to activity notes reporting

- Added NPI to org detail page

- Added NPI to org table columns

- Added NPI to affiliated provider table

- Adjustment to provider NPI column resizing to see full 9 digit number

- Show < 11 label and bar for patients by service chart

- <11% bars added to market data

- Self referring providers are ignored in visits upload

- Validate all NPIs in visits upload

- Handle new column names for visits upload

- Handle organization types in visits upload

- Self referrals removed from previous uploads

- Separate download links for provider and org affiliated csv

- Added organization pruning

- Added language around shared patient directionality

- Show % of shared patients in both directions

- Tuned Shared Affiliation directional flow

- Shared Affiliation data updated after affiliated csv upload

- Improved activity note performance

- Moved navigation to a new component to improve performance

- New api v2 routing

- Updated Charts library

- Removed old claims data from production and staging

- Preserve query state on affiliated provider table

- Preserve query state on locations table

- Preserve affiliated orgs table query

- Change to show the affiliated icon instead of a checkmark in referrals table

- Fixed issue with password length not properly being validated

- Fix to scorecard upload not overwriting wRVU ranking

- Fix to searching px/dx codes by code name

- Fix to only display contacts for the selected client in add contacts dialog

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